Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides95 viewsa mixed bag
photographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides95 viewshaving a preen
photographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Kestrel95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
female Marsh Harrier - Circus aeruginosus95 viewsphotographed from the FBC Hide @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Mediterranean Gulls - Larus melanocephalus95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
for details of the history/movements of this Med Gull paste the following link into your browser to check out DJM's blog entry about this bird: -
95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Mute Swan Cygnus olor Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Mute Swan95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve, Blackpool
Water Rail95 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Firecrest - Regulus ignicapilla94 viewsthis elusive Firecrest very occasionally perched out in the open
photographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides94 viewsSleepy Head
photographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Kestrel (with prey) - Falco tinmunculus94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Little Gull - Hydrocoloeus minutus94 viewsa 1st sighting for me, photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool
(many thanks to chap who pointed it out to me)
Mallard94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve
Moorhen94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Mute Swan94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Mute Swan94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Ruddy Duck94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Rabbit - Oryctolagus cuniculus94 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve, Blackpool
Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundas93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Blackbird93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Cetti's Warbler - Cettia cetti93 viewsas usual with these guys - just a record shot, photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Coot93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Parasitic Wasp - Gasteruption jaculator93 viewssubmitted to iRecord if the ID is confirmed this appears to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool
Great crested Grebe93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Great Crested Grebe93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Kestrel - Falco tinmunculus93 viewsphotographed at Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
female Marsh Harrier - Circus aeruginosus93 viewsbeing moved on by a Grey Heron
photographed from the FBC Hide @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Mediterranean Gulls - Larus melanocephalus93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
for details of the history/movements of this Med Gull paste the following link into your browser to check out DJM's blog entry about this bird: -
Pochard93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Robin - Erithacus rubecula93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Ruddy Duck93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Ruddy Duck93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Starling Roost93 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool
Tufted Duck93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Water Rail - Rallus aquaticus93 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Common Whitethroat - Sylvia communis93 viewseyeing up a St Marks Fly, photogrpahed @ Lawsons Road Wetlands, Blackpool
Black headed Gull92 viewsthis Black headed Gull seems to be perched on some sort of camera that's stuck in the reedbed at Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool, weird.
Blackbird Turdus merula Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Blackbird92 viewsenjoying a few berries, photographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita92 viewsa late autumn Chiffchaff - photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Common Scoter - Melanitta nigra92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Coot92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Coot92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, reported to the Puffin Island bird ringing folk
Carrion Crow92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Firecrest - Regulus ignicapilla92 viewsthis elusive Firecrest very occasionally perched out in the open
photographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Parasitic Wasp - Gasteruption jaculator92 viewssubmitted to iRecord if the ID is confirmed this appears to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool
Juvenile Great crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus92 viewsUp periscope
Great Crested Grebes92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
House Martin Delichon urbica Marton Mere nature reserve92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve
Iceland Gull - Larus glaucoides92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Kestrel92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Mediterranean Gulls - Larus melanocephalus92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool, this un-ringed bird was one of two present at the Mere on 25/09/13
Mute Swans 92 viewsMute Swans at their nest in the reedbed, a common sight at Marton Mere in Spring.
Pochard92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Cormorant92 viewsI noticed this Cormorant was ringed, so I brought the photo to the attention of Pete Marsh of LDBWS, a few emails later I was advised the Cormorant was "ringed as Pullus, Puffin Island, Anglesey 13/07/2008". Knowing something about the history of the bird makes what was otherwise just a record shot much more interesting.
Siskin - Carduelis spinus92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve Blackpool
Starling Roost92 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool, with Blackpool Tower in the background
Water Rail92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Water Rail92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool, it's the first time I've seen a Water rail swimming.
Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve, Blackpool
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