Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa5 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa4 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa5 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa6 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa5 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Broad Centurian Soldierfly - Chloromyia formosa93 viewsphotographed in our garden, Bispham, Blackpool

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris122 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Garden Grass-veneer - chrysoteuchia culmella126 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus130 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus103 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus102 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus103 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

7-Spot Ladybird Larva - Coccinella 7-punctata108 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Meadow Brown - Maniola jurtina90 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Vestal Cuckoo Bumble Bee - Bombus Vestalis101 viewsalso known as Southern Cuckoo Bumble Bee

Hoverfly - Chrysotoxum festivum81 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hoverfly - Myathropa florea75 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hoverflies - Myathropa florea & Volucella pellucens79 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hoverfly - Merodon equestris76 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Great Pied Hoverfly - Volucella pellucens77 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Great Pied Hoverfly - Volucella pellucens76 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hoverfly - Chrysotoxum festivum79 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Notch-horned Cleg Fly - Haematopota pluvialis89 viewstheir eyes maybe amazing/fascinating, but female Clegs gorge on blood & give a painful bite
photographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Curlew - Numenius arquata107 viewsphotographed @ Lancaster Road, Pilling

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa68 viewsphotographed @ Latterbarrow, Cumbria

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus75 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus76 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus77 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus75 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris77 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris78 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas71 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas80 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas74 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Meadow Plant Bug - Leptopterna dolabrata (female)93 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus76 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus81 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus76 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus76 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus73 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Clay - Mythimna ferrago78 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hopper for ID75 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

White Letter Hairstreak - Satyrium w-album89 viewsthe WLH's stayed way up in the canopy on each of my visits to their colony in 2013
photographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

White Letter Hairstreak - Satyrium w-album74 viewsthe WLH's stayed way up in the canopy on each of my visits to their colony in 2013
photographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris72 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris73 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris68 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris68 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus63 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus66 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skippers - Ochlodes sylvanus66 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus67 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus66 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus65 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus68 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus67 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hoverfly - Volucella bombylans70 viewsa hoverfly that mimics White-tailed bumblebees
photographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hoverfly - Volucella bombylans71 viewsa hoverfly that mimics White-tailed bumblebees
photographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Broad Centurion Fly - Chloromya formosa75 viewsalso known as the Green Soldier Fly
photographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa72 viewsphotographed in the Véndee, France

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa52 viewsphotographed in the Véndee, France

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa49 viewsphotographed in the Véndee, France

Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa56 viewsphotographed in the Véndee, France

Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus82 viewsphotographed @ Lawsons Road Wetlands

Ring-necked Parakeet - Psittacula krameri186 viewsphotographed across the road from Stanley Park, @ Blackpool Zoo, this Parakeet was free flying outside of the bird house & is probably the one that's occasionally seen at the park

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus117 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Meadow Brown - Maniola jurtina64 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Crane-Fly - Tipula paludosa76 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Spotted Crane-Fly - Nephrotoma appendiculata73 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae158 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae395 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae69 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae67 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae64 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae257 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae66 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Leafhopper - Cicadella viridis78 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool

Hoverfly - Chrysotoxum festivum71 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens

Black Darter - Sympetrum danae68 viewsphotographed @ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool - quite a rarity in the Blackpool area

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris70 viewsphotographed@ Devonshire Road Rock Gardens, Blackpool