Dark-winged Fungus Gnat fly - Sciara hemerobioides112 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Dark-winged Fungus Gnat fly - Sciara hemerobioides111 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Dark-winged Fungus Gnat fly - Sciara hemerobioides108 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Dark-winged Fungus Gnat fly - Sciara hemerobioides102 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Micro moth - Eucosma species101 viewsphotographed @Marton Mere, Blackpool

Parasitic Wasp - Gasteruption jaculator99 viewssubmitted to iRecord if the ID is confirmed this appears to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Parasitic Wasp - Gasteruption jaculator96 viewssubmitted to iRecord if the ID is confirmed this appears to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Parasitic Wasp - Gasteruption jaculator93 viewssubmitted to iRecord if the ID is confirmed this appears to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Parasitic Wasp - Gasteruption jaculator92 viewssubmitted to iRecord if the ID is confirmed this appears to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Blue Damselfly - Enallagma cyathigerum86 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus74 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus75 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Sand Martin bank73 viewsthe new Sand Martin bank, seen here on 27th March 2015 still under construction at Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Treecreeper - Certhia familiaris70 viewsthe 1st Treecreeper I've seen at Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Treecreeper - Certhia familiaris62 viewsthe 1st Treecreeper I've seen at Marton Mere, Blackpool
lots of camera shake involved here @ ISO1600 & 1/40th sec

Common Treecreeper - Certhia familiaris68 viewsthe 1st Treecreeper I've seen at Marton Mere, Blackpool

Coot - Fulica atra85 viewsa Coot flies in & lands on the frozen mere, skidding & sliding until it comes to a halt
photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Figwort Sawfly - Tenthredo scrophulariae83 viewsbelieved to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Figwort Sawfly - Tenthredo scrophulariae73 viewsbelieved to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Figwort Sawfly - Tenthredo scrophulariae71 viewsbelieved to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Figwort Sawfly - Tenthredo scrophulariae78 viewsbelieved to be a new site & county record of this species
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Blue-tailed damselfly - Ischnura elegans80 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Blue Damselfly - Enallagma cyathigerum72 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

7-spot Ladybird - Coccinella 7-punctata75 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Tufted Ducks - Aythya fuligula74 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula73 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

72 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Lesser Black-backed Gulls - Larus fuscus69 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Lesser Black-backed Gulls - Larus fuscus64 viewsI think they could be females, photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula74 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula75 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula74 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula73 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo89 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, reported to the Puffin Island bird ringing folk

Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo92 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, reported to the Puffin Island bird ringing folk

Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus70 viewsphotographed@Marton Mere, Blackpool

Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus68 viewsphotographed@Marton Mere, Blackpool

Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo76 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus59 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus60 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus62 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Whitethroat - Sylvia communis89 viewsI had to wait until the 30th April for my 1st Whitethroat sighting of 2012 @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus97 viewsa couple of well dodgy record shots of a Peregrine Falcon upsetting the wildfowl as it soars over Marton Mere, Blackpool

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus91 viewsa couple of well dodgy record shots of a Peregrine Falcon upsetting the wildfowl as it soars over Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Redshank - Tringa totanus72 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool - NOT a regular sighting at the Mere

Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago72 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago65 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Common Redshank - Tringa totanus64 viewsI was quite surprised to see this Redshank fly in & land in the middle of the Mere
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Little Gull - Hydrocoloeus minutus87 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Little Gull - Hydrocoloeus minutus89 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool

Little Gull - Hydrocoloeus minutus94 viewsa 1st sighting for me, photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool
(many thanks to chap who pointed it out to me)

Red-crested Pochard - Netta rufina83 viewsspotted at Marton Mere, Blackpool today by Dave - http://www.lalows.blogspot.com/ - , it's the 1st time I've seen one of these in the wild - note i only managed a crappy record shot

Goldeneye - Bucephala clangula91 viewsthis female came quite a lot closer than the Goldeneyes I've previously seen at Marton Mere, Blackpool

Goldeneye - Bucephala clangula77 viewsthis female came quite a lot closer than the Goldeneyes I've previously seen at Marton Mere, Blackpool

Goldeneye - Bucephala clangula76 viewsthis female came quite a lot closer than the Goldeneyes I've previously seen at Marton Mere, Blackpool

Goldeneye - Bucephala clangula80 viewsthis female came quite a lot closer than the Goldeneyes I've previously seen at Marton Mere, Blackpool

Starling Roost270 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool, with Blackpool Tower in the background

Starling Roost88 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool, with Blackpool Tower in the background

Starling Roost100 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool

Starling Roost91 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool

Starling Roost90 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool

Starling Roost88 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool

Starling Roost93 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool

Starling Roost92 viewsStarlings flying into roost at Marton Mere,nature reserve, Blackpool, with Blackpool Tower in the background

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 1 of 10)81 viewsThe male spots the female & approaches from the rear - ooh err missus, she'll do

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 2 of 10)73 viewsthe male manoeuvres into position

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 3 of 10)82 viewsthe male manoeuvres into position

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 4 of 10)66 viewsnow back to back (with him thinking she looks better from this angle )the manoeuvre is complete & docking successful

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 5 of 10)66 viewsthey'd chosen a very windy day to mate, but clung on succesfully throughout

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 6 of 10)64 viewsthere was just the occasional readjustment when Mr Blue would flash his wings at me

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 7 of 10)63 viewsbut then it was back to "back to back" business

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 8 of 10) 63 viewsI'm guessing the bit you can see between their tails is their naughty bits?

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 9 of 10) 67 viewsanother very similar photo out of the 50+ I rattled off

mating Common Blue butterflies (Image 10 of 10) 69 views& finally, they were still coupled up when I departed & left them to it

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus69 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus69 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus64 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus63 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus63 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus64 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool