















Tick - Parasitic Arachnid87 viewsfound attached to the underside of my foot the day after visiting Hay Bridge nature reserve, Cumbria

Pirate Otter Spider- Pirata piraticus86 viewswhat a cool common name
photographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Sand lizard - Lacerta agilis72 viewsPhotographed at the Sand Dunes @ St Annes

Sand lizard - Lacerta agilis66 viewsPhotographed at the Sand Dunes @ St Annes

Sand lizard - Lacerta agilis69 viewsPhotographed at the Sand Dunes @ St Annes

Sand lizard - Lacerta agilis59 viewsPhotographed at the Sand Dunes @ St Annes

Common Lizard - Lacerta vivipara47 viewsPhotographed at the Sand Dunes @ St Annes

Sand lizard - Lacerta agilis41 viewsPhotographed at the Sand Dunes @ St Annes

Sand lizard - Lacerta agilis44 viewsPhotographed at the Sand Dunes @ St Annes

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major46 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool, this beautiful female Great Spotted Woodpecker is a new garden sighting here

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major45 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool, this beautiful female Great Spotted Woodpecker is a new garden sighting here

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major47 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool, this beautiful female Great Spotted Woodpecker is a new garden sighting here

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major37 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool, this beautiful female Great Spotted Woodpecker is a new garden sighting here

Turnstone - Arenaria interpres40 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Turnstone - Arenaria interpres36 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Turnstone - Arenaria interpres38 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Turnstone - Arenaria interpres41 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Turnstone - Arenaria interpres28 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point Fleetwood

Turnstone - Arenaria interpres23 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point Fleetwood

Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula25 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula26 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula22 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula23 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula24 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus25 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Dunlin - Calidris alpina24 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Dunlin - Calidris alpina24 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Dunlin - Calidris alpina19 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Dunlin - Calidris alpina22 viewsphotographed @ Rossall Point, Fleetwood

Red Mason Bee - Osmia bicornis36 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Tree Bumblebee - Bombus hypnorum27 viewsphotographed in our garden, Bispham, Blackpool

Ashy Mining Bee - Andrena cineraria37 viewsPhotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Ashy Mining Bee - Andrena cineraria37 viewsPhotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Ashy Mining Bee - Andrena cineraria36 viewsPhotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Ashy Mining Bee - Andrena cineraria35 viewsPhotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Orange Tip - Anthocharis cardamines36 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Orange Tip - Anthocharis cardamines31 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Hoverfly - Eupeodes luniger34 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Adder - Vipera berus41 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Adder - Vipera berus39 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Adder - Vipera berus38 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Adder - Vipera berus36 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Adder - Vipera berus39 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Adder - Vipera berus38 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

female Crossbill - Loxia curvirostra29 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve
a first ever sighting for me

female Crossbill - Loxia curvirostra30 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve
a first ever sighting for me

Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis33 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis31 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca29 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Willow Warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus25 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Willow Warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus24 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Green Hairstreak - Callophrys rubi31 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea25 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea24 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea23 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea24 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Large Red damselfly - Pyrrhosoma nymphula30 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Large Red damselfly - Pyrrhosoma nymphula26 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Green Hairstreak - Callophrys rubi25 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Alder Fly - Sialis lutaria34 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Cuckooflower - aka Lady's-smock22 viewsphotographed @ Hay Bridge (members only) Nature Reserve

Hoverfly - Eupeodes luniger30 viewsphotographed in our garden in Bispham, Blackpool

Tawny Mining Bee - Andrena fulva32 viewsphotographed in our garden, Bispham, Blackpool

Tawny Mining Bee - Andrena fulva33 viewsphotographed in our garden, Bispham, Blackpool
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